Advanced orientation in the Internet of Things
»Are we really going to accept an Interface of The Future that is less expressive than a sandwich?« – Bret Victor (1)
The objects in our everyday lives are becoming increasingly intelligent and autonomous. They are networked – exchanging, collecting and processing data – all in the background. Mark Weiser predicted in 1991 that computing power would become »so ubiquitous that no one will notice their presence« (2). As the power of technical systems increases, communication with the outside world is often reduced to the display of discrete system states in the form of icons, lights and (warning) sounds.
At the human level, subtle gestures and movements, such as the tilt of the head, the wrinkling of the nose or the slump of the shoulders, often allow us to anticipate the intention or state of mind of our counterpart and, ultimately, to cooperate.
Speaking Gestures examines the qualities that posture, movement, small and large gestures have to offer to communicate with our environment. The project experimentally explores the extent to which animation principles such as Disney, physical analogies and other forms of non-verbal communication can be used to build on intrinsic behavioural patterns and design meaningful interactions with smart objects and autonomous systems.
In addition to the identification and definition of appropriate application areas, the design of processes and interaction scenarios has been specifically investigated.
Victor, B. (2011). The Future of Interaction Design ↗ Visited: 21.02.2024
Weiser, M. (1991). The Computer for the 21st Century. Scientific American, 265(3), S. 94.
Prof. Erich Schöls ↗
Prof. Judith Glaser
Summer Term 2024
Teil des Schwarms ist ein interaktives Experiment, das die Interaktion zwischen Mensch und algorithmischem Schwarm erforscht. Das System nutzt Handtracking, um die Bewegungen und Gesten der Betrachtenden zu erkennen.


Leonie Rossnagel, Lisa-Marie Schneider
Gestures hold great significance in our society today. They are open to various interpretations and can have completely different meanings depending on the cultural context. In our increasingly digitalized world, gestures have remained an indispensable part of communication, which led to the invention of the smiley.


Lisa Jahreiss


Cybernetic Workstation
Bjarne Hauschildt
Größter Dank geht an die Menschen außerhalb des Kontextes des Kurses, die das Projekt maßgeblich unterstützt und geprägt haben: Niyazi Ertut, Jakob Raue, Robin Jürgens, Lilly Achleitner, Marinus Paul.